Homeless with Pets on the Rise in Calgary

Homeless with Pets on the Rise in Calgary

by Isabella Steed It is an unimaginable circumstance for those who have not lost a home. To be wary of your next meal, to fear whether or not you will have a place to sleep at night other than the comforts of cold grass and pavement. Unfortunately, this is a reality...
All About Ticks

All About Ticks

Don’t Get Ticked Off! April signals the advent of tick season, which lasts until October. However, ticks are also active whenever it’s warmer than 4 degrees Celsius, so it’s important to be aware of the hazards they pose all year round. Here are some tips on what to...
Pets & PTSD

Pets & PTSD

Having PTSD is hard. Being on constant alert, constantly anxious and going over unpleasant scenarios through your head on repeat is hard. It can be a major challenge to find any source of comfort. I know because my husband suffers from PTSD. As a combat veteran who...