Pet Grief & Loss Information

Pet Grief & Loss Information

Generously written by Mariah McConnell  Pets provide humans with a source of comfort and companionship which means the death or loss of a pet can have serious impacts on owners. Many owners view their pet as a member of their family but will come into contact with...
Homeless with Pets on the Rise in Calgary

Homeless with Pets on the Rise in Calgary

by Isabella Steed It is an unimaginable circumstance for those who have not lost a home. To be wary of your next meal, to fear whether or not you will have a place to sleep at night other than the comforts of cold grass and pavement. Unfortunately, this is a reality...
Pets & PTSD

Pets & PTSD

Having PTSD is hard. Being on constant alert, constantly anxious and going over unpleasant scenarios through your head on repeat is hard. It can be a major challenge to find any source of comfort. I know because my husband suffers from PTSD. As a combat veteran who...